Torque Arm Installation Instructions
Madman & Co. Racing accepts no responsibility for inaccuracy or omissions in these instructions, or for improper installation of these components. Some installations require welding. If you do not feel qualified to perform this installation, seek the assistance of a professional mechanic.
Try to start with the torque arm running downhill between 2 and 3 degrees from the rear end forward.Set the pinion angle to -2 degrees by setting an angle finder on the pinion yoke with the vehicle at ride height.
The torque arm crossmember must be welded to the subframe connectors. The transmission tunnel must be cut to accept driveshaft loop, and driveshaft loop welded into tunnel.
Torque arm crossmember should be placed with the slider 1” from weld-on tube nut with rear end at right height. Usually this is 1” in front of factory tunnel brace mounts.